76. 2022/23 Masters' weekend

On the weekend of 16 to 18 June, the Master and Consort attended the 2022/23 Masters’ weekend which this year was held in Glasgow.

This annual weekend is an opportunity for all Masters of a given year to get together as a group and set up an association to continue their fellowship after their year ends. It’s an important relaxed social part of the Livery calendar.

This year we were hosted by the 14 ‘Trades’ of Glasgow, which (along with their associated ‘Merchants’) are in many ways the equivalent of our London Liveries.  In total some 200 attended, including both our current and our previous Lord Mayors.

The event started with a reception and supper at the historic Trades House. The following day included visits to the Burrell Collection, the tall ship Glenlee, and the Rennie Mackintosh church at Queen’s Cross. It was followed by a lively and informative whisky tasting. This prepared us for the Gala Dinner at Glasgow City Chambers, a glorious 19th century building representing the municipal pride and confidence of the City. (Your Master last visited it a dozen years ago in somewhat different circumstances and style when negotiating a waste management contract).

The following day those whose travel arrangements permitted attended a Service at Glasgow Cathedral after which the process of agreeing a suitable name for our Masters’ year group commenced: this will be decided by email consultation from a wide variety of suggestions (and is likely to be a test of the democratic process).

It was wonderful event and I commend the tradition to my succeeding Masters.



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