68. Spectacle Makers - eye health event

On 16 May your Master and Consort were privileged to attend the above event in the Governors’ Hall at Saint Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster, organised by the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Maker. It was a most illuminating event. The speakers included senior representatives of the NHS, a number of whom were members of the Spectacle Makers’ Company. We were treated to a most informative series of presentations on the development of the eye and on eye problems and their treatment. The key take away was that eye problems can develop imperceptibly - the brain is very good at compensating; hence the vital thing is regular testing. Given that the first nine years of life are critical in eye development, testing and if necessary treatment of young children is especially important. All present took away the clear message - test regularly.

This followed on from an inspirational Consorts’ event at the Royal Society for Blind Children again organised by the Spectacle Makers which Georgina also attended. The Spectacle Makers deserve great credit for their work.


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