57. The Haberdashers’ Company Golden Lecture, 23 March 2023


The annual Golden Lecture was endowed 400 years ago by a benefactor of the Haberdashers’ Company.  This year it was delivered by the Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover, and her charity for the lecture supports refugees across Kent.  She is an honorary Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and the Company was represented by the Thames Warden Consort Eileen Bigg.  The lecture was delivered in the Haberdashers’ Company church of St Bartholomew the Less which dates from the 15th century and lies within the ancient hospital precincts which would shortly mark the 900th anniversary of its foundation.

The Bishop addressed the subject “Living Faith in the 21st Century: What does it truly mean to have a living faith in today’s world?”  She unfavourably compared our willingness to share and enthuse about where we shop with our unwillingness to talk about our faith, and emphasised our faith should ensure we show our love for our neighbours on a global scale, be generous, act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.


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