49. Worshipful Company of Horners, Ralph Anderson Memorial Lecture, 23rd February 2023
Court Assistant Allan Barton and Thames Warden Martin Bigg represented the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators at the 25th Horners’ Ralph Anderson Memorial Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine. Professor Edward Kosior gave a talk on "Advances in technology to fast-forward the circular economy” which focused on the reuse, recycling and recovery of plastics.
In his talk Professor
Edward Kosior explored how waste management sits at the heart of climate
change, with global waste generating more than 1.3 billion tons of CO2e
annually and described the cutting-edge technologies that are coming on stream
to help the world turn plastic waste into a valuable resource.
He mentioned
how the challenge of post-consumer food-contact single use plastics and
flexible films is met by highly efficient sorting systems and unique
decontamination processes.
His talk
generated may questions on the move from the use of simple plastics in packaging,
which can be easily recycled to managing complex layers of plastic, paper and
metal foil. We all should take more
responsibility for the plastics we produce and use.
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