48. The Future of Energy in the UK, The Worshipful Company of Launderers, 20 February 2023


Deputy Master Peter Hall and Thames Warden Martin Bigg represented the Water Conservators’ Company at the Glaziers’ Hall for a pan livery meeting hosted by the Worshipful Company of Launderers.  Speakers shared ideas to help business leaders make the right decisions over the next decade on the supply of energy and the alternatives available.  They described what the UK Government, and the supply industry, has to put in place for economic green energy.

Professor Philip Thomas, Bristol University, described the current and future contribution nuclear power could make and the issues associated with it. Presentations on solar energy and energy storage were followed by a detailed exploration of the potential role of hydrogen to replace natural gas in heating and its use in transport.

The breadth and depth of knowledge across the livery companies was demonstrated in the challenging questioning and debate which followed, helped by good fellowship over lunch.


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