43. Worshipful Company of Educators’ Franklin Lecture, February 2023
The Thames
Warden, Martin Bigg, represented the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators
at the Franklin lecture (named after the Foundation Master of the Educators Company,
Professor Raoul N Franklin CBE, sometime Vice-Chancellor of the City
University) given by Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli in the presence of the
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs in the Mansion House.
The title of Professor Mainelli’s lecture was “Teacher, Tutor, Scholar,
I,- A metaverse of education or conundra of confusion” and was attended by
leading academics and livery representatives.
Mainelli explored the new technology challenges from neuroscience to the
‘persistent’ Metaverse. He challenged radical
institutions to overcome ‘the establishment’ and, described how the establishment
could reform to deliver superior performance for society and its own benefit. He questioned the specialisation in education,
for example, by demonstrating the link between mathematics and art. He doubted the benefit of league tables citing
engineering where middle ranking institutions and countries such as the
Netherlands produce many higher quality engineers. It was a challenging and enjoyable evening.
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