28. Consorts’ Lunch with the Arts Scholars

On Tuesday 15 November the Master’s Consort enjoyed a Consorts’ Lunch at the Guildhall Club, kindly organized by the Consort of the Master Arts Scholar.  The Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars was constituted as a Livery Company in 2014 and is involved in educational and charitable work in the fields of applied and decorative arts. 

The lunch was a well attended and most congenial event and had the added advantage of an exceptional speaker in the person of jewellery historian John Benjamin.  Mr Benjamin gave a fascinating account of his personal journey from a Wembley schoolboy bullied because of a bad stutter through work in retail jewellery and auction houses to a thirty year career as an expert on the Antiques Road Show.  The Consorts were extremely unwilling to allow him to sit down and overall this was an outstanding afternoon’s entertainment, with special thanks due to Consort Deborah Black.

 Georgina Drummond


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