14. Election of the Lord Mayor of London, 29 September 2022

The election took place at Common Hall in the Great Hall of the Guildhall and was preceded by a procession of the livery companies in reverse order from the crypt.  This meant that the Water Conservators were near the front for a change!  With great ceremony the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Officers entered the hall for the hustings and all those who were not Liverymen were requested to “depart the hall on pain of imprisonment”.

The Common Serjeant read the names of the Aldermen who having served as Sheriff were eligible to be Lord Mayor.  After the election the Lord Mayor Elect fortunately assented to take up the office and then addressed Common Hall.  There were then presentations by the outgoing Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.  It was very encouraging to hear of the contribution of the Livery, City of London and Lord Mayor to the benefit of the City and country.

The Thames Warden, Martin Bigg, represented the company and participated in the election of Nicolas Lyons (Merchant Taylor) as Lord Mayor for 2022/23.  Michael Mainelli (World Trader) was confirmed for consideration for 2023/24 and Martin passed on the Company congratulations as Michael is a member of the Water Conservators’ Company.  Alison Gowman (Glover) and Timothy Hailes (Pewterer) were confirmed for consideration for a later year.


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