11. Michaelmas Lunch

Our Michaelmas Lunch took place in the bright expansive surroundings of Trinity House, one of our favourite venues. (This was a change in venue as, pleasingly, our original choice would have been too small for the numbers attending). Our Company guests included Sir David Wootton, Master Lightermen and Watermen and former Lord Mayor together with his Clerk, Julie Lithgow,  Robin Batt, Master Mariner (who had entertained Consort, Clerk and me on HQS Wellington the previous weekend) together with his Clerk, Scott Hanlon, and our guest speaker Robert Hannigan CMG.

Robert was formerly Director of GCHQ and security adviser to the Prime Minister; he is currently Warden of Wadham College, Oxford, which is of course our founder partner in the Water Conservation Trust’s bursary scheme. Robert stresses he is not a spy but confesses that he may know some members of that profession. Whilst not giving away any secrets, Robert gave a very illuminating, not to say alarming, summary of the cyber threats facing water and other industries. He distinguished three types: ‘amateurs’, sometimes teenagers, who do it just for ‘fun’; professional criminal groups whose aim is blackmail; and state sponsored organisations. All three are real and present threats. (Indeed one fellow attendee had lost £50k, now recovered, to a cyber attack the previous weekend). Robert’s speech, though on a serious matter, was delivered in a delightful style. Who among us knew that on the dark web one can buy cyber attacks and indeed that the gangs providing such services appear to offer performance guarantees!

In many ways Robert exemplified what our livery is about - serious purpose allied to conviviality!

We were also delighted to welcome one new Liveryman (Brett Bader) and three new Freemen (Gemma Harvey, Jessica Bain and Justin Harper) to our Company as well as to celebrate the formal appointment of our beloved Christine Duthie as Clerk.

The stirrup cup afterwards was particularly well attended and it was only with some difficulty we were encouraged to leave at closing time. There is a great buzz about the Company at present!


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