10. Sheep drive across London Bridge and WCT sponsored walk

Sunday 25 September was a busy day for the Master, Consort and several of our members. We started by watching the traditional sheep drive across London Bridge and attending the associated livery company fair at Monument. The Master was able to pay his personal respects to the Lord Mayor and exchange greetings with a number of fellow masters.

As well as a lovely and important event, this was in the nature of a fact finding operation. We have not to my knowledge participated in driving sheep across the river (at least in recent years); it is less complicated than I had imagined - one does not for instance have to bring one’s own sheep. Perhaps something for a future year? Also could we have a stand at the livery fair showing us conserving water?

After that a brief diversion to Guildhall Yard for the Lord Mayor’s military band competition, presided over by our honorary Liveryman and Past Lord Mayor, Sir Andrew Parmley. We were unable to stay long as the our own Water Conservation Trust (WCT) walk took precedence.

A quick dash across London to join a group of 10 on our annual WCT walk organised superbly as ever by Past Master Rob Casey. We even had two students from Queen Mary joining us for most of the event. It was a lovely walk in beautiful weather along the Regent’s Canal from Paddington to King’s Cross.  Rob will report on the money raised - suffice it to say it was a very significant amount, all going to our Schools‘ programme. We ended with a very congenial late lunch as indicated below. Congratulations again to our vibrant WCT!

A terrific day all round. Total distance walked about 11 miles. What a wonderful city London is!


  1. It would be great to enter a Water Conservators' team to drive sheep across London Bridge on Sunday 24 September 2023.


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