5. Water Conservators’ meeting with DEFRA

There is a growing debate among politicians and in the press around the regulatory mechanisms and governance structures for the  water sector. Are the approaches which were appropriate in the conditions of 1989 still appropriate for the challenges and priorities of 2022? Our Company has been participating in this debate through our responses to a series of recent public consultations. 

On 17 August Past Masters Peter Matthews and Rob Casey along with the Thames Warden Martin Bigg and I met David Hallam, the head of water at DEFRA. We highlighted the depth and breadth of experience within our Company and the fact that we are not a trade association but rather a group of experienced individuals acting pro bono with a common concern for the long term future of water in the UK. This was well received and we have been invited to a further meeting with DEFRA on 28 September to explore whether we can assist in shaping future consultations taking account of developing government priorities.

Peter Matthews is leading our thinking on this and would welcome inputs from members in preparation for the above meeting. He will write to members on how he will progress matters.

On behalf of the Company, I would like to commend Peter for his lead on this - another very fine example of the vibrancy and relevance of our Livery.’


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