2. Mudlarking and Presentation of Water Jug, 19 July 2022

On a day of record breaking temperatures the Water Conservators had two contrasting events.

First, a group of intrepid Conservators went ‘mudlarking’ on the Thames foreshore. You can see some of us, suitably kitted out, searching for ancient and modern remains under an expert guide. We found all sorts of things - from medieval pottery fragments to broken tobacco pipes and sugar manufacturing equipment. After two fascinating hours we adjourned for a most convivial lunch (indoors) at the Founders’ Arms. Our thanks to Georgina, Master’s Consort, for organising this.

Following this (after a thorough fresh up and change at Mansion House) came the very important annual Water Jug ceremony in which the Master presents a jug, duly filled with Thames Water, to the Lord Mayor. See picture below of the Lord Mayor, the Right Honourable Vincent Keaveny and your Master, Colin Drummond, sharing a toast in water (from the piped water supply rather than collected direct from the River Thames during our mudlarking).

This was the 825th anniversary of King Richard I selling the conservancy of the river Thames (from Staines to Rochester) to the City of London. The King was heavily in debt having had to pay ‘a king’s ransom’ to the Holy Roman Emperor who had taken him hostage on his return trip from crusade in the Holy Land. The City in fact retained ownership of the Thames up to the middle of the 19th century after which, after a prolonged legal battle, it was ‘renationalised’ by the government.

After refreshing ourselves with good wholesome water (which all felt was badly needed in the weather conditions), the Lord Mayor with his consort, Amanda, entertained your Master, Wardens and Clerk with champagne before he had to leave for the somewhat larger event of his annual Mansion House dinner.


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