83. Livery Climate Action Group Conference Merchant Taylors’ Hall, 3 July 2023

The Conference, attended by many members of different Livery Companies, was held in support of the City of London’s Climate Action Strategy. The founder of the Livery Climate Action Group, Alderman Alison Gowman, opened the Conference. The Thames Warden Martin Bigg, Deputy Master Peter Hall and Past Master Mark Lane represented the Water Conservators. Unfortunately Past Master Rob Casey, who is leading our commitment to the Climate Action Strategy and our contribution to the Conference, was indisposed. The Conference focused on matters that affect most Livery Companies including sustainable catering, carbon reduction and a sustainable approach to refurbishment. The Keynote Speaker, Emma Howard Boyd, spoke of the lack of investment in climate action and the lack of well-prepared projects, and the disproportionate impact of climate change on more socially deprived communities. She questioned whether the UK is falling behind internationally on climate act...